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FR: Dispel Right-Arrow side-effect in popups

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FR: Dispel Right-Arrow side-effect in popups
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Joined: 11 Mar 2010
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Post FR: Dispel Right-Arrow side-effect in popups Reply with quote
The tree (database - schema - object - sub-object [argument/columns/etc]) in the popups can be expanded by clicking the little + sign with the mouse or using the right-arrow key. Now, that right-arrow method is much faster but it is not exactly expanding the tree in the popup but opening a new popup instead. And that sometimes has a very ugly side-effect of the snippet losing the context of its purpose.

For example, when a popup is triggered with a snippet containing $COLUMN$, filtering on the table and then expanding it with the mouse will retain the original popup, the list of columns will have checkboxes, and only the select few will be inserted into the editor. Expanding the popup with the mouse retains the original purpose of the popup/snippet macro. In return, it loses the ability to filter further because the filtering still happens on the parent level. And that's when the table is in the current database and in the default schema. Looking for objects in other databases and schemas gets incrementally slower.

In contrast, "expanding" the popup with the right arrow (after filtering on the object by typing its name or parts of it) the following (new) popup does not exactly remember the goal anymore, the checkboxes are gone, and it will insert all of the columns, regardless of which one was picked. A small compensation is that I can filter on columns too, which is a futile attempt because all of them will be inserted anyway.

Could you somehow pass on the parameters (goals, actually) of the first popup down the chain of its descendants created using the right arrow?
Thu Jan 16, 2025 6:53 am View user's profile Send private message
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Joined: 26 Nov 2006
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I agree, this is a fair comparison. There are clear behavioral difference resulting from differences in event handlers, mouse events are handled by the popup window, while keyboard events are handled by the editor. Each key press including right-arrow results in something added to the code in response to the event. That immediately changes the context and a new popup appears in the same place with new context specific data. I'm not sure how difficult it might be to make them work similarly, I will need to check internally with the team.
Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:59 am View user's profile Send private message
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