Sorry, it does not go to the table level detail as this information is not stored in the Oracle performance tables and requires complete analysis of all redo log files. I still don't understand why the DB Audit is not good. Selecting couple hundred tables for audit will not take more than 10-15 minutes, as they most likely created in the same schema and so they are listed sequentially (sorted schema/table alphabetically). Let the dbAudit run for one day then use the following SQL queries to get your statistics CREATE TABLE stat (operation char(10), table_name varchar2(30), counter float); SELECT 'INSERT INTO stat SELECT audit_statement, audit_value_type, table_name, nvl(count(*),0) FROM ' || table_name || ' GROUP BY audit_statement, audit_value_type, table_name;' FROM ora_monitor.db_audit WHERE owner = ... [insert schema name here] Run them in DBA Notepad in DB Monitor. Select and paste the result of the second statement (as many lines as it will return) to the DBA Notepad and execute it. The resulting STAT table will have what you are looking for. If you want to get statistics by time add sys_type column the STAT table and to the select statement above. : Does the REDO log analysis tool provide the capability to get stats on the : number of writes/updates to particular tables within an instance ? We get : excessive REDO at certain intervals of time on a purchased MRP package and : would like to be able to tell the vendor which tables are being hit. Audit : is not an acceptable alternative since there are hundreds of tables in the : application. Therefore, the tool search...