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Key mapping in SE

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Key mapping in SE
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Joined: 11 Mar 2010
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Post Key mapping in SE Reply with quote
Customize Key Mapping allows assigning user-defined hotkeys or hotkey sequences to many features in SQL Editor. However, they seem to have some issues when extending the hotkeys (that is when making it a hotkey sequence instead of a simple hotkey).

For example, in many applications, the Ctrl+K combo is usually an indicator that a hotkey sequence follows soon, thus extending the number of possible hotkeys since you're no longer restricted to Ctrl+[a..z] (or similar combinations with Ctrl+Shift or Alt or whatsoever). This ability to "categorize" or "group" hotkeys is pretty helpful when you literally have dozens (hundreds?) of them, and I tend to utilize the ... out of them whenever I can.

So let's choose our patient functions to be Upper case to current or previous word and Lower case to current or previous word from Change case Commands.

Simply adding the Ctrl+K to two commands obviously won't work so I add it to both anyway :) and then extend it with 'U' for uppercase and with 'L' for lowercase. This works like a charm. Until you decide to push it, push it some more.

There're two types of casing, one for the current/previous word and one for selection/character instead of the word. Let's suppose I'm using the selection one more frequently so I'm going to keep that one shorter but I'd still like to keep using U and L for upper/lowercase with the previous word as well. No problem, I'm going to extend Ctrl+K with W and then with U for the word version and leave the other ones for selection as they are. Now I have to press Ctrl+K followed by a 'U' for uppercasing a selection and press Ctrl+K followed by 'W' followed by 'U' for the word.

Yes, I know it might sound complex, but believe me, with some practice those become second nature with much less guessing than assigning arbitrary/unrelatable hotkeys to different functions and trying to figure out what was assigned to what, or simply guessing what just happened accidentally hitting the wrong one.

But back to the hotkey sequence. This still seems to work. Or, wait! I uppercased the word "select" and now I have "SELECTW" in the editor. It seems that even though SE requires 'W' pressed to make the hotkey sequence to work, instead of "swallowing" that 'W', it somehow got into the text. Now, it only added a surplus character to my word in this case (no pun intended) but if I chose to further extend the hotkey for the selection version instead (eg. Ctrl+K, S, U), it wouldn't work at all. As soon as I pressed 'S' for the second in the sequence, it would instantly overwrite the selected text with 's' and remove the selection at the same time leaving the invoked routine wondering "where the heck did my selected text go?" upon hitting 'U' last.

It also doesn't work at all if you extend the current hotkey sequence beyond 3 items, eg. Ctrl+K, C, W, U like Ctrl+K for sequence followed by C(ase), W(ord), U(pper). No sequences longer than 3 items seem to be doing anything. Nevertheless, the key mapper allows extending them well beyond that. It really does not make much sense going higher than 5, but 3 is a rather low limit because the first one usually gets to be Ctrl+K since other Ctrl+whatsoever combinations tend to be reserved and that leaves you with 2. I guess 4 works well for people with very low user memory like myself. Is that 3 hardwired into SE?

Hotkey sequences can do miracles speedwise if you get used to them, hence I'd like to ask you to fix/enhance this small (but irksome) glitch here. Please...
Tue Jul 03, 2018 10:42 am View user's profile Send private message

Joined: 11 Mar 2010
Posts: 2137

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Any updates on this one? In [10.0.158 BETA] this still glitches.
Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:18 am View user's profile Send private message
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Joined: 26 Nov 2006
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Thank you, we're going to look into that
Fri Aug 31, 2018 6:15 pm View user's profile Send private message

Joined: 11 Mar 2010
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The not "swallowing the last key in the sequence" problem is gone, but sequences longer than 3 are still not accepted in spite of being able to create such ones in the Key Mapping editor.
Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:52 am View user's profile Send private message
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Joined: 26 Nov 2006
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It might be that the Key Mapping editor is a bit ahead of the pack. Sequences longer than 3 keys aren't currently supported (-:

Last edited by SysOp on Sun Dec 16, 2018 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:05 am View user's profile Send private message

Joined: 11 Mar 2010
Posts: 2137

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Then I hope the pack will be the one to catch up with the editor and not the other way around :) By the way, the 3-key sequences work like a charm now that they no longer leave any "residue".
Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:44 am View user's profile Send private message
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