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[9.0.157 Pro BETA] Context/Historical code patterns and more

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[9.0.157 Pro BETA] Context/Historical code patterns and more
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Post [9.0.157 Pro BETA] Context/Historical code patterns and more Reply with quote
In testing another bug I lodged removing history from the context popup I wanted to re-visit it a bit, I never liked it in the past because it would sometimes save statements I didn't necessarily care about.

1) In testing this now I'm seeing that it's removing my WHERE criteria, is this intentional? Page 66 of the SQL Assistant 9 help shows history with WHERE clause included but mine are not saving.

Here's two sample statements I wrote and the history that now shows:

2) It also seems to save statements written but not executed as well? Is that also intentional?

As you can see here, my use of cast was wrong.. and now it's in my history:

Would it not be preferable to make sure the statement written can actually execute without error before saving to history?

3) Also as you can see from my previous two screenshots I stretched the history out a bit so you could see full statements, but if I close that context popup and then start another statement to show those hints again the window has resized itself to it's default size (I thought from another recent post that someone had griped that the window was sized too big and SysOp said to delete the SQLAssist.ini to reset window sizes or hand adjust it, but this one does not seem to keep size):

Fri Oct 07, 2016 4:09 pm View user's profile Send private message

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To add to point #3 my standard selection context box has now gotten out of control

This one I cannot shrink no matter how many times I grab and slide the vertical bar next to the object type over toward the table names and then shrink the window. Next time it pops up it's the width of my editor text window again.

I have another box where I still have 6.5 loaded and this is not the case there.

This seems related to functions with long 'help text' as to what the function does. If I take those out of the context popup list items setting I can get a smaller menu again for this particular instance.. but I want those functions there without having a massive window? 6.5 and 7.5 didn't do this. I just confirmed on another VM I have running 6.5.

Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:09 pm View user's profile Send private message
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The history items in that section are based on what you type, not what you execute in the database. I'm not sure I can describe exactly how it's working, I don't know that well. But I do know that dropping of the WHERE clause is unintentional. You likely pause for some time before typing it, and the editor captured and remembered it before the complete statement was entered. Then it likely captured WHERE clause as a separate entry when you resumed typing.

There is a separate feature for code execution history. It can be accessed through Execute and Schedule SQL Code menu, the default hot key used to be CTRL+Shift+H.

As for the stubborn size of the popup, I think it's a bug. I see you moved history section to the top and it might have been confused by that and cannot size itself correctly.

To reset the size, delete or manually edit %APPDATA%\SQL Assistant\9.0\SqlAssist.ini file

Last edited by SysOp on Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:42 am; edited 1 time in total
Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:08 pm View user's profile Send private message

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SysOp wrote:
The history items in that section are based on what you type, not what you execute in the database. I'm not sure I can describe exactly how it's working, I don't know that well. But I do know that dropping of the WHERE clause is unintentional. You likely pause for some time before typing it, and the editor captured and remembered it before the complete statement was entered. Then it likely captured WHERE clause as a separate entry when you resumed typing.

There is a separate feature for code execution history. It can be accessed through Execute and Schedule SQL Code menu, the default hot key used to be CTRL+Shift+H.

As for the stubborn size of the popup, I think it's a bug. I see you moved history section to the top and it might have been confused by that and cannot size itself correctly.

To reset the size, delete or manually edit %APPDATA%\SQL Assistant\9.0\SqlAssist.ini file

I too thought it was a pause for writing the where clause but I tested several different entry methods with no pauses in the where since I knew what I was going to type. For the record it's never ever (today) captured to the right of the WHERE clause. This also applies for 6.5 which I have on another VM.

As for the history I moved it to the bottom and it did not fix the popup. I'll see if I can dig it out of the ini file. Any suggestion as to what to look for in there since deleting it will remove my other customizations as well, right?
Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:33 pm View user's profile Send private message

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Also I realize it's not a execution history but to me it would make sense to validate statement syntax before saving them to the history log.

Can you please log a bug for the popup size issue or append to a current ticket if there is one?
Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:44 pm View user's profile Send private message
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Mindflux wrote:
Can you please log a bug for the popup size issue or append to a current ticket if there is one?

Certainly. logged as #SA0029728
Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:20 pm View user's profile Send private message

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Ok I deleted the entire sqlassist.ini file and re-started my editors just to be sure. The main context popup for table selection is marginally smaller, but no matter what I do it will not remember the size I set it to.

*Edit: This until I get to the end of FROM and then it's decided I can only pick from tables and schema and not functions.

But just typing select (space) and getting the popup shows a very wide popup. Again because I assume it's trying to fit the short help for functions into the popup width.
Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:22 am View user's profile Send private message

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Here's a vid of the history dropping the where criteria. As you can see there is barely a pause when I type the where out.
Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:28 am View user's profile Send private message

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This may be sort of related to to this bug but a new symptom has emerged:

Now statements retain typed words before selecting the history to complete:
Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:32 am View user's profile Send private message

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It also seems that the where criteria dropping still exists.

*edit: revised statement
Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:33 am View user's profile Send private message
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Thank you for the videos. They are very helpful. We will look into that issue.
Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:46 am View user's profile Send private message

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I did notice today when playing with name matching that the context pop ups keep sane sizes now, thanks.

I'll have to revisit history to see f any fixes have happened to those other things mentioned in this topic.
Thu Nov 03, 2016 6:35 pm View user's profile Send private message
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According to the notes in our bug tracking system the kind of issues with dropped WHERE clause were supposed to be fixed in build 9.0.171. If you are running the latest public build 9.0.176, you can check if that works for you now.
Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:57 pm View user's profile Send private message
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