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Database Support in Evaluation Package

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Database Support in Evaluation Package
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Don Chamberlain

Joined: 19 Feb 2000
Posts: 1

Post Database Support in Evaluation Package Reply with quote

I just downloaded your evaluation package an am trying to determine if it will perform database backup on a test environment. When I try to configure 24x7 for the Oracle 8.0.4-8i database I receive a message indicating that my configuration does not support this.

Is this an evaluation copy restriction or am I missing something. The test environment is an Oracle server.

Sat Feb 19, 2000 8:41 pm View user's profile Send private message
Site Admin

Joined: 26 Nov 2006
Posts: 7903

Post Re: Database Support in Evaluation Package Reply with quote

Evaluation package is binary compatible with the retail version.

When you configure database profile for Oracle, make sure you have proper version of the Oracle client software installed. Also Oracle client software home directory must be in path.

For Oracle 8.0.4-8i you must have SQL*Net 8 and at least ORSF 8.0.4(Oracle required support files 8.0.4 or above)

If you have previous version of the client or SQL*Net installed, feel free to use Oracle 8.0.0-8.0.3 database driver or even Oracle 7.3

: I just downloaded your evaluation package an am trying to determine if it
: will perform database backup on a test environment. When I try to
: configure 24x7 for the Oracle 8.0.4-8i database I receive a message
: indicating that my configuration does not support this.

: Is this an evaluation copy restriction or am I missing something. The test
: environment is an Oracle server.
: Don

Sat Feb 19, 2000 9:44 pm View user's profile Send private message
Derek Yung

Joined: 18 Apr 2000
Posts: 15

Post Re: Database Support in Evaluation Package Reply with quote

I'm also having this problem. I have the Oralce 8i client installed. The Oracle "bin" directory is in the path. Is this the "Oracle client software home directory" referred to in the message.


: Evaluation package is binary compatible with the retail version.

: When you configure database profile for Oracle, make sure you have proper
: version of the Oracle client software installed. Also Oracle client
: software home directory must be in path.

: For Oracle 8.0.4-8i you must have SQL*Net 8 and at least ORSF 8.0.4(Oracle
: required support files 8.0.4 or above)

: If you have previous version of the client or SQL*Net installed, feel free to
: use Oracle 8.0.0-8.0.3 database driver or even Oracle 7.3

Fri Apr 21, 2000 2:10 am View user's profile Send private message
Site Admin

Joined: 26 Nov 2006
Posts: 7903

Post Re: Database Support in Evaluation Package Reply with quote

Yes, it is.

: I'm also having this problem. I have the Oralce 8i client installed. The
: Oracle "bin" directory is in the path. Is this the "Oracle
: client software home directory" referred to in the message.

: Derek

Fri Apr 21, 2000 8:49 am View user's profile Send private message
Site Admin

Joined: 26 Nov 2006
Posts: 7903

Post Re: Database Support in Evaluation Package Reply with quote

The following help topic was taken from the Oracle Monitor on-line help file.
Use it as reference when connecting to Oracle databases from 24x7 Scheduler:

Connecting to Oracle7 and Oracle8 databases

Oracle Client Software
What is SQL*Net?
SQL*Net is the Oracle product that provides connectivity between clients and Oracle servers. This product was renamed to Net8 in the Oracle8 release. When this document refers to SQL*Net, it means SQL*Net for Oracle7 and Net8 for Oracle8.
You must install SQL*Net before attempting to connect using Oracle Monitor.
SQL*Net provides a consistent interface to client programs that makes the actual network protocol transparent. That is, Oracle Monitor communicates with SQL*Net without any concern over what protocol is used or where the server is located.

When you install SQL*Net, be sure you install the product specific to your client. Remember that Oracle distinguishes between Windows 95/98 and Windows NT.

What you must install?
This will be needed by Oracle Monitor and Oracle for connections.
Required Support Files
Required support files contain the DLL's that implement the Oracle OCI layer to communicate with your server. The required support files must correspond to the Oracle Monitor native driver being used. For example, if you are using the Oracle Monitor O73 driver, then you must have installed Required Support Files version 7.3.x.x.

Network Adapter Layer
The Oracle Network Adapter handles communication between the Oracle Call Interface and you network protocol. For example, if you communicate with your Oracle server using the TCP/IP, you must install the Oracle TCP/IP protocol adapter. If you use different protocols at different times, you can install more than one protocol adapter.

Testing Connection Outside of Oracle Monitor
Before attempting to connect from Oracle Monitor, you should verify that you can connect from SQL*Plus. If you cannot connect from SQL*Plus, you have no hope of connecting through Oracle Monitor.

How Oracle Monitor Talks to Oracle
Oracle Monitor communicates with Oracle through the Oracle Call Interface(OCI). This interface is not used by SQL*Plus. You must be careful as to what conclusions you can draw when something works in SQL*Plus but not in Oracle Monitor.
Oracle Monitor determines the network interface DLL based on the first three characters of your DBMS specification.
The following tables show the Oracle Monitor DLL's that correspond to the various DBMS values. The version numbers to the right of the DLL's indicate the release of Oracle Monitor where they became available.

Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.0

O70 PBO7160
O71 PBO7160
O72 PBO7260
O73 PBO7360
O84 PBO8460
* Oracle 7 interfaces are also supported with Required Support Files (RSF) included with Net8

Common Problems
Missing network module
If you enter a DBMS for an interface that you have not installed, you will get a connect error indicating that your DBMS is not supported. The previous table shows the Oracle Monitor DLL's that correspond to your DBMS values.
Path errors
When Oracle Monitor connects to Oracle, the Oracle Monitor module attempts to load the corresponding OCI module. This load is no different from any other load in that the module must be in your \system directory or in a directory on your path. If the path does not include your /bin directory, the DLL will not be found and an error will occur on the connect. The error will indicate that your DBMS is not supported.

Missing Required Support Files
In order to connect from Oracle Monitor, you must have installed the Oracle Required Support Files that correspond to your DBMS value. For example, if you specify O73 as your DBMS value, you must have installed Required Support Files version 7.3.x.
Improperly Installed Required Support Files
Required Support Files should be installed using the Oracle Installer. If you copy files from one location or system to another, you may run into problems. If you install SQL*Net on a Local Area Network where it will be accessed by multiple users, make sure you have followed procedures provided by Oracle for Network Installation. It is not as easy as installing from a single client and letting everyone access the resulting files.
If you have installed Net8 and then install another product that includes Oracle Required Support Files, you may encounter a problem loading OCIW32.DLL. To remedy the situation, re-install the 8.0.x Required Support Files.

Incorrect server parameter in transaction Object
Because of changes in the Oracle OCI interface, the format of server parameter may differ between various releases of SQL*Net. If the Oracle service name as specified in your TNSNAMES.ORA file was, the server parameter for a Oracle Monitor connection is shown in the following table:

DBMS server value

When Oracle Monitor connects to Oracle, Oracle Monitor simply calls a function in the Oracle OCI layer. If you are having a problem connecting, it may be useful to run a SQL*Net "Admin" level trace. This trace will show much of the SQL*Net activity during the failed connect. There may be Oracle error messages that are more useful than the message echoed back to Oracle Monitor.

Special Considerations with Oracle 7.3
In general, SQL*Net 2.x is backward compatible. For example, If you upgraded your Server to SQL*Net 2.2 and still have SQL*Net 2.1 on your client, you will still be able to communicate. There is, however, one exception. If you are running SQL*Net 2.3 on the server, you should also run 2.3 or above on the client. There was a problem with the 2.2 SQL*Net software that was discovered after SQL*Net 2.3 was released. Rather than go back an fix 2.2, they suggest an upgrade to 2.3. The problem will not prevent a connection. It will, however, cause other connection-related problems while running Oracle Monitor.

Special Considerations with IPX / SPX
The following table shows the versions of SQL*Net required on 32 bit platforms. Netware Client32 is the only supported IPX stack. NWLink from Microsoft is not supported.

Platform SQL Net Version
Windows 95/98 SQL*Net or higher
NT 4.0 SQL*Net 2.2 or higher

Special Considerations for NT 4.0 or above
You must be running SQL*Net or above.

Common Error Messages
DBMS not supported in your current installation
Oracle Monitor native driver DLL PBxxx060.DLL missing or not in path.
Oracle DLL loaded from PBxxx060.DLL missing or not in path.
Oracle Required Support Files needed by Oracle Monitor DLL are not installed.
Dynamic Link Library could not be found in the specified path

DLL missing
Directory containing the DLL not in path
If the DLL is ORA803.DLL, check to see if the file is on your system. If it is, it should be on your path. If the file is not there, either you have not installed Net8 or when you installed Net8, you did not install the and 8.0.x Required Support Files.
Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA_nnnnn
Occurs during connection if there is no Oracle registry entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
Occurs when the NET20 registry entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle is incorrect.

Initialization of the dynamic link library failed. The process is terminating abnormally.
Oracle DLL ORA73.DLL does not exist or is not in path.
ORA-03121: No interface driver connected - function not performed
(DBMS O73) The server name in the database profile was not in the format @ or the SQL*Net software was not installed properly. Probably missing the "@" sign preceding the service name.
ORA-09352: Windows NT two task driver unable to spawn new Oracle task

(DBMS OR7, O71, O72) The server name in the profile was formatted incorrectly. Should be in the format @TNS: where server corresponds to an entry in the tnsnames.ora file.
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name
(DBMS O71,O72,O73) The tnsnames.ora file was not found in Oracle_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN directory.
(DBMS OR8) The tnsnames.ora file was not found in Oracle_HOME\NET80\ADMIN directory.
(Oracle 7.x) No matching service name in tnsnames.ora file. Be sure to include the complete name (including the domain) as it appears in the tnsnames.ora file. For example, if the entry is in the tnsnames.ora entry, the server specified in the database profile would be This is true even if the service name specified in SQL*Plus was orsrvr.
(DBMS OR8)If the service name contains a preceding "@" or "@TNS:", this error will occur. If the specified service name was not found in the tnsnames.ora, this error will occur.

ORA-12203: TNS:Unable to connect to destination
The tnsnames.ora file does not exist or cannot be located by the Oracle DLLs.
The network adapter layer was not installed.
ORA-12224 TNS: No listener
(DBMS OR8)The host pointed to by the host entry in your tnsnames.ora file did not have a listener running on the specified port. The host, the port or both were incorrectly specified or the listener has stopped running on the server.
ORA-12505 TNS: Listener could not resolve SID given in connect descriptor

(DBMS OR8) The server and listener were found, but the SID in the tnsnames.ora file was incorrect.
ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
(DBMS OR8) The host entry in your tnsnames.ora file points to a non-existent server.
Unable to load the requested database interface
Make sure that the Oracle Monitor network module associated with your specified DBMS is installed and on your path.

Connecting to Oracle using Oracle ODBC Drivers

Supported Oracle ODBC Drivers
SQL*Net 2.x
The following table shows the current Oracle ODBC driver versions and the associated driver and SQL*Net versions.

Driver Version Driver DLL SQL*Net Version Support File Version Server version
* SQO32_72.DLL 2.2 7.2.x 7.2 or later SQO32_73.DLL 2.3 7.3.x 7.3 or above
* Not supported on Windows NT 4.x

The following table shows the current Oracle ODBC driver version and the associated driver and Net8 version.

Driver Version Driver DLL Net8 Version Support File Version Server version SQORA32.DLL 8.0.x 8.0 or later

Configure the ODBC Data Source
You can create a new data source by running the ODBC administrator.
The Connect String in the data source is the service name as found in your tnsnames.ora file.

Note for Personal Oracle: The connection to Personal Oracle bypasses SQL*Net. The SQL*Net Connect string is "2: " where is the instance ID. The default SID is "ORCL".

Refer to the Oracle On-Line help for assistance when setting up the data source.

Verify Your Oracle ODBC Connection

Connecting to your database from SQL*Plus verifies that your Oracle client software was installed and configured correctly. If there is a problem with the installation or configuration of your Oracle client software, you will not be able to connect using Oracle Monitor. If you can connect using SQL*Plus, then attempt to connect with another ODBC tool using the data source you created. Oracle ships an ODBC utility with SQL*Net 2.3.x called Oracle ODBC Test. You can use this utility to test the data source connection. Some other common tools are MS Query and MS test. Connecting with another tool makes sure that ODBC is correctly installed and the data source is configured properly. You should verify your ODBC connection outside of Oracle Monitor before calling Technical support for assistance.

Common Connect Errors

DBMS ODBC not supported in your current installation
ODBC32.DLL not found (Windows 95). PBODB60.DLL not found in path.
IM002 - Data Source name not found and no default driver specified
The data source in the connect string is not valid..
IM003 - Specified driver could not be loaded
The driver specified in the ODBC data source could not be loaded. This happens if the driver was moved or deleted after the data source was created. This error will also occur if the Required Support Files are not installed or are not in the path.

ORA-12154:TNS:could not resolve service name
The tnsnames.ora file was not found in Oracle_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN directory. This error also occurs id if the service name (either from the server in the data source or the DBQ value in the connect string) is not found in the tnsnames.ora file. Remember that there should be no "@" or "@tns:" in this value.
File Error - Cannot find ODBC32.DLL

ODBC32.DLL missing or not in path

Creating ODBC data source for Oracle database

To add a data source

· From the installed ODBC drivers list, select the name of the Oracle driver that the data source will use.
· Choose the OK button.
· The Oracle ODBC Driver dialog box is displayed. Enter information about the data source:

Field Meaning
Data Source Name A name by which you will identify the data source. For example, "Personnel Data"
Description A description of the data in the data source. For example, "Hire date, salary history, and current review of all employees."
SQL*Net Connect String An Oracle connect string that specifies the location of the copy of Oracle RDBMS from which the driver will retrieve data.

Choose the OK button.

Copyright © 1996-1999 SoftTree Technologies, Inc.

Fri Apr 21, 2000 8:57 am View user's profile Send private message
Derek Yung

Joined: 18 Apr 2000
Posts: 15

Post Re: Database Support in Evaluation Package Reply with quote

I've been trying numerous things to get this to work for Oracle 8i client but with no success. The Oracle client "bin" directory is set as part of the PATH (as indicated in the System->Envronment control panel and also when I type "PATH" in the DOS window) In my case, it's the "D:\Oracle\Ora81\bin"

It works for ODBC. It also works for Sybase when I have the enviornment variable SYBASE set to point to the sybase home directory.

Any ideas?

: Yes, it is.

Thu Apr 27, 2000 12:23 am View user's profile Send private message
Site Admin

Joined: 26 Nov 2006
Posts: 7903

Post Re: Database Support in Evaluation Package Reply with quote

Can you connect using Oracle 7.3 DBMS driver? It should work even faster than 8.x. When connecting using 7.3 driver don't forget to specify "@" sign in front of the server conenct string, for example: ""

Also note that the connection driver/method has nothing to do with the features of the database server that you connect to, so you can still use all new Oracle 8.x features. For more details please see my previous posting in this thread.

: I've been trying numerous things to get this to work for Oracle 8i client but
: with no success. The Oracle client "bin" directory is set as
: part of the PATH (as indicated in the System->Envronment control panel
: and also when I type "PATH" in the DOS window) In my case, it's
: the "D:\Oracle\Ora81\bin"

: It works for ODBC. It also works for Sybase when I have the enviornment
: variable SYBASE set to point to the sybase home directory.

: Any ideas?

Thu Apr 27, 2000 8:25 am View user's profile Send private message
Derek Yung

Joined: 18 Apr 2000
Posts: 15

Post Re: Database Support in Evaluation Package Reply with quote

That works! Thanks.


: Can you connect using Oracle 7.3 DBMS driver? It should work even faster than
: 8.x. When connecting using 7.3 driver don't forget to specify
: "@" sign in front of the server conenct string, for example:
: ""

: Also note that the connection driver/method has nothing to do with the
: features of the database server that you connect to, so you can still use
: all new Oracle 8.x features. For more details please see my previous
: posting in this thread.

Thu Apr 27, 2000 11:56 am View user's profile Send private message
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